
🌶️麻辣鴨舌 Spicy and Numbing duck tongue










  1. 用淡鹽水浸泡解凍鴨舌,沖洗掉鴨舌上的舌衣
  2. 水滾後放入兩片薑片、蔥段、少量鹽
  3. 將鴨舌放入汆水約3分鐘,然後關火瀝乾
  4. 熱鍋下油,先後爆香少量花椒、辣椒、薑片、蒜片和一至兩湯匙益昌號四川麻辣醬
  5. 倒入鴨舌兜炒後再加入半湯匙紹興酒和半湯匙生抽
  6. 倒入一杯水( 250毫升)煮滾後蓋上蓋轉中火煮15分鐘,定期攪拌
  7. 大火收汁後再用加入少量麻油
  8. 可按個人喜好加入少量老抽上色
  9. 上碟,可加上芝麻,葱花等伴碟。冷熱皆宜.



Yick Cheong Ho Sichuan

Hot & Spicy Sauce --------------------------1.5tbsp

Frozen duck tongue ------------------------450g

Shaoxing Wine & Soy sauce--------------0.5tbsp

Sichuan pepper & chilli pepper, slices of ginger, garlic and green onion

------------------------------------------------as desired


1. Soak and defrost frozen duck tongue in salt water, rinse the tongue thoroughly

2. Add two slices of ginger, green onion, a small amount of salt into boiling water

3. Put the duck tongue into boiling water for about 3 minutes, then turn off the stove and drain the water

4. Heat the pot over high heat and saute some Sichuan pepper, chilli pepper, ginger, garlic and 1-2 tablespoon of Yick Cheong Ho Sichuan Hot & Spicy Sauce.

5. Add duck tongue and stir-fry all ingredients gently, then add half a tablespoon of Shaoxing wine and half a tablespoon of soy sauce

6. Pour a glass of water (~250ml), then cover the pot with its lid. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. Stir the tongue frequently to prevent it from burning.

7. Keep the pot uncovered and cook over high heat to reduce the sauce until thicken, then add a small amount of sesame oil.

8. Add dark soy sauce for colouring according to your personal preference.

9. Transfer to serving bowl, decorate as desired. Serve hot and cold.